Friday, November 29, 2019
Stage directions are still short Essay Example For Students
Stage directions are still short Essay From the beginning of scene ten, the stage directions immediately raise tension by saying a few hours later that night. Blanche has been drinking fairly steadily. This puts across that she is under pressure and may be upset about something. When it continues to say, she DRAGS her wardrobe into the centre of the bedroom this suggests that she is worn out. General phrases in the S. D slightly hint that Blanche may be mad like, hysterical exhilaration and also murmuring excitedly. From just reading this first stage direction or just the quotes I have stated here, you can tell that Blanche is going slightly mad. We will write a custom essay on Stage directions are still short specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now They also create tension which makes you want to continue with the story. In the next stage direction you can clearly see that Blanche is nervous by saying, tremblingly she lifts the hand mirror. It creates tension by implying that her movements may be slow. When it talks of Stanley appearing it says he has had a few drinks on the way this suggests that his actions towards her may be rough. It then moves on to saying he has brought some quart beer bottles home with him. Which raises tension slightly. In the next stage direction on page 109 it says, lurid reflections appear on the walls around Blanche. By saying around her it puts across the fact that only she can see them, she may be in a state of confusion and dizziness. The word lurid creates a state of tension. Its moves on to say they are of a grotesque and menacing form. The context of these words especially grotesque seems to build up tension, not only in the story but also inside her. The next main stage directions on pages 110 and 111 hold a lot of tension which is built up whilst you read on. Its starts off in Howard Bates, 10Q the second sentence saying the night is filled with inhuman voices like cries in a jungle. Once again this seems to state that Blanche is imagining things. The shadows are continued followed by flames, which is sometimes associated with nervousness. The next stage direction is rather misleading, it says the bathroom door is thrown open, this makes you think that he is going to attack Blanche but it continues with and Stanley comes out in the brilliant silk pyjamas. On page 111 the stage direction creates tension by saying that Stanley is staring at her, he may have something planned it raises suspicion when his glare is followed on by a grin. The lines spoken by Blanche and Stanley are short, this implies that Blanche isnt comfortable in the situation she is in. Tension is increased when it states that the music goes softly. The silence has filled the room creating more tension then the inhuman voices start again; this clearly seems to make Blanche nervous in her situation. Stanley is in her way of the doorway and she is hearing things again. Short but simple stage directions are carried on in the next page continuously raise tension. The speeches between the stage directions are still short. She then smashes a bottle and holds the end as self-protection. the last stage direction puts a crisp end to the scene, making it fairly clear that she gets raped but doesnt say it straight to your face. The music at the end creates the last bit of tension, this is stopped abruptly with the end of the scene. Tension here, is built up cleverly throughout the scene. Making you want to read on, music is added to increase the tension. the scene is bought to a sharp end with Stanley having the last word before he rapes her.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Rheumatoid Arthritis Social Security Disability
Rheumatoid Arthritis Social Security Disability Nearly A Third of Workers with Rheumatoid Arthritis Stop Working Five Years After Diagnosis According to a study, approximately one-third of people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis were forced to quit their jobs within five years of being diagnosed.Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disorder that affects nearly 1.3 million Americans. Symptoms of the disease include joint stiffness and swollen joints and severe pain. Rheumatoid arthritis can also affect other areas of the body, and may cause impaired vision, lung inflammation, organ damage and low red blood cell counts.The painful symptoms of the disease and negative side effects of medication can make it incredibly difficult to focus, complete everyday tasks and be productive at work. Unfortunately, this is why many who are diagnosed and want to continue to work can no longer do so because the pain is extreme.1 in 5 people who are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis stop working after two years of being diagnosed1 in 3 people who are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis stop working after five years of being di agnosedIf you are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits. In order to qualify, you must have medical evidence documenting your condition. It should be expected to last for at least a year, and your symptoms must prevent you from working at your current job. After reviewing your condition, Disability Determination Services must also decide you cannot perform any other type of work.The application process can be overwhelming, and one mistake could result in your application being denied. You must present evidence that your condition is debilitating, including complete medical records, full contact information of all physicians, a complete work record and more. Having a skilled disability lawyer on your side from the beginning can help you with the entire process and increases the chances your application will be approved.We Can HelpIf you are disabled and unable to work, callà Disability Attorneys of Michiganà for a free co nfidential consultation. Weââ¬â¢ll let you know if we can help you get a monthly check and help you determine if any money or assets you receive could impact your eligibility for disability benefits.Disability Attorneys of Michiganà works hard every day helping the disabled of Michigan seek theà Social Security Disability benefitsà they need. If you are unable to work due to a physical, mental, or cognitive impairment, callà Disability Attorneys of Michiganà now for a free consultation atà 800-949-2900Let Michiganââ¬â¢s experienced Social Security Disability law firm help you get the benefits you deserve.Disability Attorneys of Michigan, Compassionate Excellence. Detroit disability attorney, disability lawyer, Michigan Disability Attorney, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Social Security Disability
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Stryker Marinas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Stryker Marinas - Essay Example This is an important consideration which reflects the total costs involved in the ownership and all the operations of the yacht business. Costs involve several factors including the cost of buying new yachts from builders which takes up to 70% of the total business expenses, wages, rents, utilities, depreciation of products, and other miscellaneous expenses. Other costs will involve introducing new features and products in the yacht business and in retaining our clientele. We treat the concept of communications in a broader focus beyond simple promotion activities. Communication takes many forms including print and electronic advertising, viral advertising, public relations, and all other forms of communication between the company and both potential and existing clients (Schulz, Tannenbaum, & Lauterborn, 1993). We never underrate the importance of person to person or word of mouth communication as a promotional tool. The company will also maintain a significant presence in yachting magazines and boat shows. Basically, convenience deals with making the process of finding and purchasing yachts as well as searching for information about yachts easy and less cumbersome. This involves having several models and brands readily available to give customers different options to assist them make the best decisions. With the increased use of the internet in marketing, maintaining an online presence as well as having physical stores in lucrative locations such as Hong Kong will bring the business closer to the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
RESEARCH ISSUES IN HUMAN RSCOURCE MANAGEMENT - Essay Example For example, interpersonal hostility may have deleterious effects on both the job satisfaction and well-being of victims (Mikkelsen and Einarsen, 2001; Tepper 2000; Ashforth 1997; Einarsen and Raknes 1997). What is more, interpersonal hostility may also lead to high costs for organisations, in the form of increased absenteeism and higher turnover of personnel, decreased commitment and productivity, and negative publicity (Hoel, Einarsen and Cooper 2003; Tepper 2000). For society as a whole, this may lead to lower productivity, early retirements and increased health costs. As a consequence, many nations have adopted or are planning to adopt laws promoting dignity at work or banning different forms of work harassment. Workplace violence and bullying has been identified as a vital concern by trade unions in Britain and in many countries for several years now. As it is, many reports have vividly demonstrated the pain, psychological distress, physical illness and career damage suffered by victims of bullying, however, academic research began only recently. The most developed research comes from Scandinavia (Vartia 1996; Niedl 1996), where there is strong public awareness; government funded research, and established anti-bullying legislation. Bullying presents significant methodological problems for researchers. A crucial difficulty is that of definition as no clear agreement exists on what constitutes adult bullying. Although physical bullying is seldom reported, the workplace presents opportunities for a wide range of menacing schemes and devices. Five classifications of bullying behaviour have been provided (Rayner & Hoel 1997) -- threat to professional status (belittling opinion, public professional humiliation, accusation of lack of effort); threat to personal standing (name calling, insults, teasing); isolation (preventing access to opportunities such as training, withholding information); overwork (undue pressure to produce work, impossible deadlines, unnecessary disruptions); and destabilisation (failure to give credit when due, meaningless tasks, removal of responsibility, shifting of goal posts). There have been three main approaches to research into workplace bullying. The first has been qualitative and individualistic in perspective, identifying a role for the individual in terms of vulnerability to bullying or a propensity to bully (Crawford 1997; Lockhart 1997; Randall 1997) and explaining the dynamics of bully-victim relationships. The second approach is descriptive and epidemiological and is usually based on self report. These studies document the prevalence of workplace bullying, the types experienced, age and sex differences, who is told, what action is taken, etc. The third approach is influenced by theories and constructs in organisational psychology and has focused on the interaction between the individual and the organisation and how aspects of the organisational structure and climate of the workplace may encourage the development of a bullying culture (Rayner 1997). For researchers who
Monday, November 18, 2019
What this country (US),state or school needs more than anything else Essay
What this country (US),state or school needs more than anything else - Essay Example The gravest threat our country is facing lies to the turning point of extremism and technology. Our rivals have candidly acknowledged that they are in a quest for weapons of mass demolition, and evidence shows that they are doing so with fortitude. The United States will not let these efforts be successful. We will assemble our defenses in opposition to ballistic missiles and other ways of delivery. We will work together with other nations to refute, contain, and restrain our enemiesââ¬â¢ hard work to acquire treacherous technologies. We will also augment our self-defense; our country will act using all ways against all forms of intimidation in time before they are wholly formed. We should be ready to crush all our enemiesââ¬â¢ plans; we will use the best astuteness and proceed with consideration. If we will not do our best, history will criticize those who saw this approaching danger but failed to take action. In the new globe we inhabit, the only course to peace and defense i s the path prompt action. The unfolding upheaval over the Islamic Republic of Iranââ¬â¢s nuclear aspirations, and the subsequent steps presented to the United States in dealing with this dispute is a debate that has taken a long period of time to conclude. With the exception of Iraq, no other disaster today so bedevils American policy makers, for a long period this case has provided the international community with irrefutable proof that the Iranian regime is pursuing a massive, multi-faceted endeavor, and in spite of United Nations censure (Kerr 37). In and of itself, the possibility of the worldââ¬â¢s leading state sponsor of terrorism acquiring the worldââ¬â¢s most dangerous technology will be deeply troubling. These weapons, if manufactured can lead to both the mass destruction of property and loss of lives. Among the solutions to this issue are; military action that is deeply problematic. The use of force on Iranââ¬â¢s nuclear
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Concepts of Family Health
Concepts of Family Health Dwayne Potenteau The purpose of this paper is to discuss a specific family memberââ¬â¢s meaning of health, influences and holistic assessments using family health concepts. The understanding will be presented within the framework of the CAEN Decision making model, a discussion on the personââ¬â¢s health experience, and focusing on the concepts related to family health within the context of the client. CAEN Decision Making Model The framework used for this paper is the CAEN (Collaboration for Academic Education in Nursing) Decision making model. This model allowed me to focus and develop a process for understanding the client. The process I used was divided into 3 main points, client centered, coming to know the client, and salience/pattern recognition/health issues (CAEN, 2012). To understand my client, I incorporated a client centered approach. Focusing on client centered health, allows me to have a deeper grasp of the clientââ¬â¢s lived experience and context. Making the family the expert not only gave them control, but improved my ability to understand their perspective (CAEN, 2012). Coming to know the client is a way to improve knowledge and understanding a familyââ¬â¢s persona meaning of health (CAEN, 2012). I used client storytelling, conversation, and observation to obtain knowledge (CAEN, 2012). Focusing my attention and being aware of any observations allowed me to grasp and understand the clients lived experience. The information gathered led to knowledge in saliency, patterns recognition, and health issues. Saliency and pattern recognition knowledge are dependent on the Carperââ¬â¢s ways of knowing, plus the addition of sociopolitical knowing (CAEN, 2012). Doane and Varco note that the ways of knowing are used to inform our practice, others, and context (Doane Varcoe, p.94, 2005). Salience refers to the intentional way in which we choose or make decisions that are important, critical and relevant to the client. I achieved this through questions, dialogue, and reflective practice with the family. Pattern recognition deals with the ability to connect this information. To interpret patterns, I used the ways of knowing, analysis, deductive and inductive reasoning during the meeting with the family(CAEN, 2012). Health Issues are components that involve the client and nurse to identify and understand health related challenges (CAEN, 2012). During conversation, I was able to interpret and respond with questions to reveal the familyââ¬â¢s resources, strengths, goals, and context. Individualââ¬â¢s Health Experience In understanding the lived experience, I used the aforementioned coming to know techniques to understand the clientââ¬â¢s physical characteristics, context, social support and experience with the medical system. Physical Characteristics: The client for this paper is a middle aged Caucasian male, 63 years of age, has a wife who is 47 years old, and two sons, 16 and 18 respectively. In our conversations the father exposed information regarding his physical health. The father informed me that although he does not exercise regularly, he believes in the benefits of frequent exercise. In addition to the aforementioned exercise, the father expressed his concerns over consuming too much alcohol. He stated that he does consume alcohol daily, and during social events, he tends to over drink. Context: The father addressed economic concerns, and acknowledged that money is an indicator of health. This year in particular had been harder financially that previous years, and he commented on the stress he felt due to the financial constraints. One of his part time jobs was on the ski hill, and this year the delay in opening had reduced the household income. The family consists of a wife, and two teenage sons. Being an older father, he is aware of his energy levels, and having to raise two boys. Social Support: Another facet of health he commented on was the social aspect. The client has a large social group, and thus felt that friends were a big impact on health. He often works with friends at events to help out the community and enjoy the social aspects of volunteering. Experience with Medical system: Another component to his understanding of health was his experiences with the medical system. In particular, the client has a history connected with mental illness. His grandfather and father were both committed and passed away in institutions. The experience gave him an understanding of how the medical system treated patients with a mental illness. His experiences have changed his perception of people with a mental illness. He states that he is more compassionate and understanding due to his experience. The father also acknowledged the importance of nurses as they were the caregivers of his father and grandfather. Not only were the fatherââ¬â¢s experiences shaping his understanding of health, his growth and development also contributed to his overall meaning of health. Growth and Development Physical Development: The client is a middle aged adult, age 63. His weight was within normal range for his height. I measured his vitals, with a blood pressure, 110/75, pulse rate of 70 beats per minute and 16 respirations a minute. All of the values are within the normal range for the client. Performing the visual and hearing test resulted with normal values. The father was also aware of his sexuality, and was open to discussing his eating, elimination, and sleep patterns. The normal ranges observed in the vitals and general assessment gave him an understanding on the importance of maintaining a healthy body. Psychosocial Development: The client was accepting of his aging, and was comfortable with his physical and emotional capacities. The client did discuss some concerns about being a middle aged adult with two teenage boys. He was a little stressed on how their lives would turn out. According to Soroor and Faxlollah, the widening generation gap in social trends and technology has led to decreased effective communication between parents and their children (soroor Faxlollah, 2009). The father acknowledges this and expressed his concerns over his reduced role and lack of control over technology in the household. Family Health Concept To understand family health we can break the words into family and health. Family can be defined as two or more people bound together assuming responsibilities (Kozier et al, 2012). Health can be described by the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, definition). The concept of family health is that if you improve a family, you improve a community (Stamler Yui, 2012). Some of the barriers that face the clientââ¬â¢s family are the romanticized and stigmatized perceptions of family(Doane Varcoe, 2005). The influence of media on what a family should be can lead to system behavioral changes. To have a clearer understanding of context and influences we look at the health of a family by using family assessment models. I have chosen the Friedman Family Assessment model to guide me in understanding the individualââ¬â¢s strengths and problems within the family. Friedmanââ¬â¢s model uses a systematic process for future planning, intervention, and evaluation (Stamler Yu, 2012, p.271). I must also address that there are numerous frameworks to choose from and due to constraints on paper size, I have selected only to use one framework. While Friedmanââ¬â¢s family assessment contains 6 categories, I will be focusing on family structure, and family function. For this paper we will address the impact of health indicators, and health perspectives within the context of the family. Health indicators that influence the family are health behaviors such as not smoking, regular physical activity, and moderate drinking, but I will be focusing on income and education levels. Since the client did not work a large portion of the winter part time job, the wife had to take on the role of working more hours. The impact of indicators such as income potential and living costs have led the family to limit spending, and recover from previous bankruptcy. Education is another indicator that affects the family. The father did not graduate and expressed his displeasure and guilt. He stated that he often feels inadequate when conversation about academics is brought up. He feels that although education is important, he feels helpless in trying to promote education and keep an emotional connection with his sons. Health Perspectives: The family structure is assessed by observing the communication patterns, power structure, role structure, and family values (Stamler Yiu, 2012). The communication pattern I observed was usually initiated by the father. He seemed to initiate the dialogue, and the other members of the family joined in when appropriate. The father stated he is assertive, and opinionated, but acknowledge s other contrasting views. I noticed that the mother often disagreed with the father. This sharing of contrasting opinions may come from the fatherââ¬â¢s way of growing up, as men were the dominant money makers in the family. The wife in this family would be considered the money maker, and thus may contribute to the power struggle within this family. The wife is away from the homestead often, due to the nature of her work. The separation between husband and wife has also led to further disagreement and potential insecurities felt by the father. According to De Mol, Buysee and Cook, interdependence l eads to influence either directly or indirectly (De Mol, buysee, Cook, 2010). The roles of nurturing figure, decision maker, problem solver and provider have created possible conflict. De Mol states that family members need to feel wanted or appreciated by other family members (De Mol et al, 2010). The family function is assessed by observation, family affectiveness, socialization, and healthcare. Stanhope and Lancaster stress the importance of family relationships and health care as the most important aspects of family function (Stanhome Lancaster, 2008). The largest observation was the familyââ¬â¢s affection and caring for each other. I noticed support, and communication between all the members of the family. Soroor and Fazlollah note in their study that parents should have good communication (Soroor Fazlollah, 2009). The impact has been good communication between the father and the rest of the family. Being sensitive to each memberââ¬â¢s needs has allowed an open forum for communication. This has led to the family better handle crisis situations, such as financial problems and seek the assistance of friends and extended family. Learning Experience This experience has increased my awareness of the importance in using the CAEN decision making model and frameworks to help guide my process of assessment. The frameworks assist in focusing my assessment observations and questions. In addition to the frameworks, the use of the relational lenses is an important tool, allowing me to hone in on aspects of an individual or familyââ¬â¢s health. The process of coming to know also allows me to understand that my beliefs and perceptions should be acknowledged, but put away when relating to the individual/family. These tools not only assist in understanding, but focus the attention to the client. Haggerty notes the need to understanding the patientââ¬â¢s perspective in order to allow for greater accountability, primary care, and knowledge (Haggerty, Fortin, Beaulieu, Hudon, Loignon, Preville, Roberge, 2010). These tools allow me as a future nurse to identify strengths and weakness and capacity of the individual or family. This knowledg e informs me to develop health promotion interventions, and promote optimal health. References Collaboration for Academic Education (CAEN). (2012). Part Three: Learning and Teaching in the curriculum. Author. CAEN De Mol.J., Buysee. A., Cook, W. (2010) a family assessment based on Social Relations Model. Journal of Family Therapy(32). 259 279 Hartrick Doane, G., Varcoe, C. (2005). Family nursing as relational inquiry: Developing health-promoting practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Haggerty, J., Fortin, M., Beaulieu, M., Hudon, C., Loignon, C., Preville, M., Roberge, D. (2010). At the interface of community and healthcare systems: a longitudinal cohort study on evolving health and the impact of primary healthcare from the patientââ¬â¢s perspective. BMC Health Services Research. (10). 1 10 Kozier, B.,Erg, G., Berman, A., Snyder, S., Buck, M., You, L. (2012). Fundamentals of Canadian Nursng Concepts, Process, and Practice (3rd Canadian ed.). Don Mills. On: Pearson . 15 Stanhope, M., Lancaster, J. (2008). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier Stamler, L, Yu, L. (2012). Community health nursing; A canadian perspective (3rd ed). Toronto. On: Pearson Soroor, P. Faxlollah, A. (2009). A qualitative study on adolescence, health and family. Mental health in Family Medicine(6). 163 ââ¬â 172
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
In Favor of Drug Legalization :: Illegal Drugs Narcotics
The legalization of drugs has been an enormous issue in politics for an extremely long time. Many people believe that the legalization of drugs will allow the government to gain more control and therefore reducing crime on the streets. Another issue in this matter is that the government will be able to profit money off the drugs and be able to control prices and what age you will have to be to be able to buy the drug. On the issue of less crime, with the government controlling drugs there will be fewer drug dealers on the streets, as there is no need for them. The ban on underage people using drugs will lessen the crimes by minors and by students in our schools. With the government regulating the drug, they can readily control how much is sold and how much is appropriate for consumption by the buyer. In addition, the government could profit off the legalization of drugs. If the government were to legalize drugs, then they could choose the prices of the drugs and how much or if they want to place a tax on them. With the government doing this, people would be paying higher prices than what they currently pay from a dealer. This would, in turn, reduce the demand for the drug due to the high prices. The money that the government makes off the taxing and the pricing of the drugs could go to health care or to another good cause that support the citizens. However, it seems we will never see the legalization of drugs. Many people go out and do things just because the authoritative figures say you shouldn't do them. In other words, certain people merely break the law not to experience the drug, but to be a rebel. The legalization of drugs would most likely cause the use of drugs to decline.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Rationalism vs. Irrationalism Essay
Jane Evans was spending a week at the Crown Point Ward girls camp. She and her friends were laughing and enjoying the crisp night air. They giggled and talked of crushes on boys and gossiped all night about the notorious girls at school. But the fun stopped when a rat bit one of the girls. Screaming, squirming and frightened, they worried and stayed awake for the remainder of the night. Unable to sleep, they decided to go indoors, to avoid another possiable attack. A rationalist would argue that this is a ridiculous reaction to a rat bite, however as a person with an irrational perspective, I plead the contrary and throughtout this essay, will demonstrate why. Through a rationalistic perspecive we observe the mind as active, the emotions passive, and the notion that no material thing can cause an nonmaterial idea; however from the viewpoint of irrationality I will prove that: 1) Emotion is in fact not passive and 2) Intelligence can be created materially. Before going into detail on irrationalism I wish to explore the rationalistic perspective. The rationalist tends to believe in the existence of truths that could not be discovered through the senses alone, the world cannot be ascertained simply by experiencing the content of our minds. Advocates of some varieties of rationalism argued that, starting with basic principles, like the realm of geometry, one could deductively derive the rest of all possible knowledge. (Markie 1) The philosophers who held this view most clearly were Spinoza and Leibniz, whose attempts to understand the epistemological and metaphysical problems raised by Descartes led to the development of rationalism. Both Spinoza and Leibniz asserted that, ideally, all knowledge (including scientific knowledge) could be gained through the use of reason alone, though they both observed that this was not possible in practice, except in specific areas such as mathematics. Which is perhaps why they depended on geometry and logic (a linguistic geometry) so significantly. To Brentano, a rationalist, the mind is active, not passive as the British empiricists, and French sensationalists had believed. Rationalistsà alleged the mind as active and the emotions as passive. The rationalist belief in a more active mind meant that the mind acts on information from the senses and gives it meaning it would otherwise not have. (225) They argued that the mind added something to sensory data rather than just passively organizing and storing it into memory. Leibniz emphasized that nothing material (such as the activation of a sense receptor) could ever cause an idea that is nonmaterial. (169) The rationalists emphasized the importance of innate structures, principals, or concepts and stated that because nothing material could come from anything nonmaterial that certain ideas must be innate. Having introduced rationalism I find it only appropriate that irrationalism should have a breif introduction of its history. Irrationalism was a philosophical movement which started as a cultural reaction against positivism in the early 20th century. The perspective of irrationalism opposed or de-emphasized the importance of the rationality of human beings. Part of the movements involved claims that science was inferior to intuition. Rationalism, I find, is void of certain accuracy. The rationalistââ¬â¢s first assumption that truths can only be arrived at by such processes as logical deduction, analysis, argument, and intuition, is false. I wish to emphasize the notion that logical deduction, analysis, argument, and intuition are not to be brushed off lightly and given little importance. On the contrary they are in fact valuable, however only if they are employed with an emphasis on the irrational view of emotion. The rationalists assume that emotions are not necessary and truths can be reached by reason alone. This is false. Although the girls in the beginning of the story experienced an emotional rat fright, they were able to use their logical reasoning and their emotional drive to come to a solution. Is it not through your emotions that you are moved to action? Without emotions the rationalists would not have come up with any logical theory in the first place! They would have had no drive to come up with another theory, no passion. I cannot imagine every rationalist unenthused in his work. Through personal experience I have come to understand the importance of emotion. There have been occasions in my life that I over-rationalized. Reluctantly Iââ¬â¢ll admit that perhaps it happens on more than just occasions, it is a constant burden to me and hinders my current and future relationships. My ex-boyfriend and I would get into an argument, as couples often do, and I would analyze the situation in my mind to attempt to come to a conclusion of how we achieved this particular position. How did I approach it; how did he? Was I overly critical and picky? Why did I respond in that way? Was it a past hurt? Could it be from my childhood when my favorite Hamster Gus-Gus died, and I felt personally hurt by God? What about him, did he have the same amount of childhood damage as me; another hamster trauma perhaps? At this point I had analyzed the situation to such an extent that I couldnââ¬â¢t even remember what the argument was about in the first place. It was then that I realized that I needed to become an irrational being: irrational in the worlds respect anyway. I became an emotional person and therefore respectively irrational. This is often rejected in our society; emotions are largely frowned upon. A professor once mentioned the need for me to think less and feel more, and I decided that I should do just that; feel. My second criticism of the rationalists is the notion that no material thing can cause a nonmaterial idea. Leibniz invites us to imagine a machine or human being capable of thinking (of having ideas). Then he asks us to imagine increasing the size of that machine to the point where we could enter it and look around. According to Leibniz, our exploration would yield only interacting, physical parts. Nothing we would see, whether examining the machine or a human being, could possibly explain the origin of an idea. (169) Because ideas cannot be created by anything physical like the brain; they must be innate. Through study of Artificial Intelligence (AI), a branch of computer science that deals with intelligent behavior, learning and adaptation in machines, we see that innate ideas are infact nonexistent. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, research in AI is concerned with producing machinesà to automate tasks requiring intelligent behavior. (Artificial Intelligence 2) Examples of such intelligent behavior include control, planning and scheduling, the ability to answer diagnostic and consumer questions, handwriting, speech, and facial recognition. The idea of producing an artificial sentient being is not new, infact it is an ancient idea and is featured in numerous myths, the Golem, the Greek promethean myth, mechanical men in Chrà ©tien de Troyes, and the creature in Mary Shelleyââ¬â¢s novel Frankenstein being examples. In science fiction, artificial conscious beings often take the form of robots or artificial intelligences. Artificial consciousness is an interesting philosophical problem because, with increased understanding of genetics, neuroscience and information processing, it is possible to create a conscious entity. The myths of writers and philosophers are no longer myths. In order to avoid ambiguity and confusion I will define the term ââ¬Å"artificial intelligenceâ⬠based on the literal meanings of ââ¬Å"artificialâ⬠and ââ¬Å"intelligenceâ⬠. According to Websters dictionary the term artificial refers to something which is not natural, often implying that it was created or manufactured by humans and intelligence is the capacitiy to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend ideas and language, and learn. (Websters 3). Throughout the past decade there has been a debate between strong AI and weak AI philosophers which tackles the question, ââ¬Ëcan a man-made artifact be conscious?ââ¬â¢ This question involves philosophy of mind and the mind-body problem. In the philosophy of artificial intelligence, strong AI is the supposition that some forms of artificial intelligence can truly reason and solve problems; strong AI supposes that it is possible for machines to become sapient, or self-aware. (Markie 1) The term strong AI was originally coined by John Searle, who writes: ââ¬Å"according to strong AI, the computer is not merely a tool in the study of the mind; rather, the appropriately programmed computer really is a mind.â⬠Artificial consciousness (AC), also known as machine consciousness (MC) or syntheticà consciousness, is a field related to artificial intelligence and cognitive robotics whose aim is to define that which would have to be synthesized were consciousness to be found in an engineered artifact. AI systems are now in routine use in economics, medicine, engineering and the military, as well as being built into many common home computer software applications, traditional strategy games like computer chess and other video games. Through the rationalistic perspecive we observed the mind as active, the emotions passive, and the notion that no material thing can cause an nonmaterial idea; however from the viewpoint of irrationality I proved that: 1) Emotion is in fact not passive and 2) Intelligence indeed can be created materially through Artificial Intelligence. Works Cited 1) Markie, Peter. Rationalism vs. Empiricism. 13 Aug. 2004. 12 Aug. 2006. 2) ââ¬Å"Artificial intelligence.â⬠Encyclopedia Britannica. 2006. Encyclopedia Britannica Premium Service. 12 Aug. 2006 . 3) ââ¬Å"Artificial.â⬠Merriam-Webster Dictionary. 2006. 12 Aug. 2006. 4) Hergenhahn, B. R. An Introduction to the History to Psychology Belmont, CA: Transcendental Printing, 2005.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Masters Dissertation Brief Overview
Masters Dissertation Brief Overview As compared to other graduate requirements writing a dissertation or thesis does not have any clearly defined limits, which generally means its content and scope are up to you. If you work systematically and really enjoy the topic, the results will be outstanding. What Is a Masters Dissertation A Masters dissertation is traditionally the final project a graduate student must undertake to complete requirements for earning a Masters degree. A formal document to be submitted to oneââ¬â¢s professor, advisor or academic instructor, this kind of dissertation requires thorough research and following a rigid set of guidelines established by the academic institution that the student is attending.à As each academic program varies, so will each studentââ¬â¢s topic, the research, and the style of Masters Dissertations vary. Since the main purpose of aà graduate school for a student is to become proficient in a given topic or subject, the Masters Dissertation has the student completing original research and projects that, by the time he has earned his Masters degree, will have made him a sort of an expert in the given field. DISSERTATION WRITING Completing one involves the student setting research objectives; it takes finding, organizing and analyzing pertinent primary and secondary data, as well as scholarly, credible literature written on the subject, while devising an appropriate research methodology and drawing on published literature on the field which the student is exploring; and, ultimately, using this information to draw his own conclusions. Writing a Masters Dissertation While a doctoral dissertation (see dissertation) requires a student to conduct research and contribute something new and undiscovered in oneââ¬â¢s field, the Masters Dissertation has the Masters degree candidate performing research on a specific subject to demonstrate his in-depth knowledge and understanding of a certain subject. Usually, this subject is not broad, but the product of a concentrated effort with a specific, narrowed focus on an issue, or era, subject, topic or person, etc. The students can best understand the Masters Dissertation as an extensive research paper that is meant to incorporate all they have learned and mastered throughout their experience in the Masters program. It instructs the students to use the research of scholars on a subject to provide their own analysis on and discoveries of a topic, demonstrating to the instructor their vast assortment of intellectual, academic and real-world skills as well as their knowledge in organizing and conducting a thoroughly written and researched academic paper. Generally, to be a success and be accepted by the professor, a paper of this sort needs to have very specific components. Its chapters should consist of an introduction, a literature review, justification of the informative data incorporated into paper for analysis, research methodology, an analysis of the data and, lastly, a conclusive section drawing it all together.à Ultimately, a dissertation of this genre aims to bind together all the aforementioned elements to closely examine the bigger picture at hand; it has one seeking answers and their explanationsà while finding comparisons to other notions and arriving at generalizations that could potentially be used to extend a theory. The Masters Dissertation Aims for the Student to: 1. Implement theories, concepts, and notions that one has learned while attending the program 2. Demonstrate oneââ¬â¢s independent investigation of topic he/she has decided to study in depth 3. Blend previously understood and accepted theories and suggest alternatives to them 4. Prove the ability to define, design, produce and complete an academically rigorous research project 5. Understand and demonstrate the knowledge of the relationships between the theoretical concepts taught in the Masters-level course and their real-world applications 6. Demonstrate evidence of the critical and holistic knowledge and a thorough understanding of the chosen subject ââ¬â one in which they are working to exceed 7. Prove he/she possesses the appropriate knowledge and understanding beyond the graduate level and has obtained a level of scope and depth beyond what he/she has been taught in the classroom; the Masters Dissertation should prove a student to be an expert in the given fields. DISSERTATION WRITING SERVICE If you are working on a masters dissertation and need help with it, or if you are just planning to start working on it and dont know how to do it,à we are happy to assist. We have provided academic assistance to hundreds of MA/MSc students and have developed expertise in effective dissertation writing. Our writers are experts in what they do. In addition, we will assign your task to the writers with respective background and experience. This will result in your masters dissertations proper language, formatting, recent literature and zero plagiarism. We guarantee that you will enjoy your customer experience at !
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare Essay Example
The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare Essay Example The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare Paper The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare Paper Essay Topic: Merchant Of Venice Play Shakespeare reveals prejudice of a character with dark complexion with the very first line when the Prince of Morocco entered, Mislike me not for my complexion. We find a contrast amongst the two suitors with the colour of their skin. The Prince of Morocco was dark and the Prince of Arragon was fair. Morocco is both more elaborate and direct than Prince of Arragon and this is shown in the line How shall I know if I choose the right casket. This line shows us that Morocco was well concerned, interested and very curious to win Portia and for this he even asked several questions in order to clear his doubts before choosing the casket. We also see that Morocco prays to god in times of emergency (as he took an oath never to get married again) Some God direct my judgement. Shakespeare reveals the character of Morocco as a confident, self conscious and strong person who is very proud of his colour. The Prince of Morocco meets Portia and tells her that he is often considered very handsome on account of his black skin. He didnt want to be judged by his complexion because he was dark and explains that all the people from Morocco were like that. In those times however a dark person was considered to be the devils accomplice and he didnt want to be misjudged. The Prince of Arragon didnt defend himself in any way even though he was Spanish, as at that time England and Spain were constant enemies and even being an adversary he didnt mention anything. Prince of Moroccos boastful and flattery nature is seen in the lines, I would not change this hue except to steal your thoughts my gentle queen and the best regarded virgins of our clime have lovd it too. This clearly tells us that he is a very haughty and egotistic person. His achievements have been described through his boastfulness especially seen in the lines To try my fortune. By this scimitar that slew the Sophy and a Persian prince. He portrays to be a figure of great dignity, brave and noble even though he may be regarded as rather arrogant to when he uses the occasion in order to declaim his achievements at Portia. He thinks he is very intellectual and has very heroic qualities, which are flawless to marry Portia. He is also very vainglorious and proud and always trying to impress Portia by honorable and devoted marks like, Yea, mock the lion when he roars for prey To win thee, lady. The prince tries to act courageous and tries to influence Portia by his intentions. The Prince of Arragon didnt try to boast about himself but agreed to try his luck at the caskets without further ado. The Prince of Arragon, as his name suggests, is arrogant and proud like the Prince of Morocco. He considered himself to be superior to others as he said, How much low peasantry would then be gleand from the true seed of honour! He is revealed to be egocentric and narcissistic as he rejects the lead casket immediately saying, You shall look fairer, ere. I give or hazard. He felt that lead should look more attractive if anyone must take a risk for it. Both the Princes judged through outward appearances as Arragon said base lead and Morocco said dull lead Both of them made quick rejecting decision for lead. For Morocco lead was threatening and not worth risking anything for. He is attracted by appearances and was adamant not to choose the lead casket as he said, Must give! For what? For lead? Hazard for lead? A golden mind stoops not to shows of dross. This line tells us that he doesnt choose the lead casket and dismisses this subject quickly as he thinks lead has no value, it is a wastage of time and earning jeopardy if thinking or choosing for lead. By this phrase we also come to know that the prince can be imperious and patronizing when the lead topic is discussed. The Prince of Arragon rejects lead because of the ominous warning, who chooseth me shall must give and hazard all he hath. The Prince of Morocco took his time to choose the right casket so as to not making rash decisions as he said, I will survey th inscriptions back again. He also scrutinizes the inscriptions again and again. But when he came to woo her, he wanted to go to the caskets immediately as he was desperately waiting to win Portias hand. But unlike Morocco, Arragon was quick in making judgements. He went astray from the right path as from knowing that appearances are often deceptive he chose with a fond eye. Morocco did not approve of the word deserve in the inscription of the silver casket who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves. He said that he knew that he deserved Portia as he said, I do in birth deserve her, and in fortunes, in graces, and in qualities of breeding; but more than these, in love I do deserve. He didnt want himself to be strayd no further by the inscription of the silver casket as he didnt want to lose Portia. He therefore, spurns the silver, which he feels is too base a metal to hold such a beautiful woman as Portia. He thinks there is a very likely possibility in losing his lady if he chooses the silver casket. He considers himself to be a suitable match for Portia because he is wealthy, he has fine quality, he belongs to a noble family and he has a high position in society. He also tries to boast about his courage in the line to prove whose blood is redder, his or mine . Even after all this effort to win Portias admiration he is deceived by appearances when it comes to choosing the caskets. His choice shows that how he judges by outward appearance, not considering how the contents of the gold casket might not be indicative of its appearance. There is dramatic irony when he says, graved in gold because in the light of the consequences of Moroccos eventual wrong choice he finds that the casket is a grave for it contains a skull. Likely, the Prince of Arragon didnt approve of the word many in the golden casket. He felt the word many would mean the stupid majority of ordinary people who judge simply by appearances, accepting what their foolish eyes tell them instead of trying to see and understand what lies beneath and thinks that gold refers to the foolish populace. He continued saying that people base their judgement and consequent actions on mere surface impressions. The Prince of Arragon uses a very suitable simile to prove his point when he compares them to the martlet (swift) that builds its nest on the outward wall of the building where it may get damaged or destroyed instead of choosing a more sheltered place. Later we realise that this speech is an example of dramatic irony because he too will choose with a fond eye. The Prince of Arragon is a snob smugly self-satisfied in his dismissal of the barbarous multitudes. Both of the suitors were over-confident. According to the Prince of Arragon, there are many suitors who consider themselves honourable and deserving but they do not really deserve the stamp of merit. Arragon clearly believes and said that he was born with the necessary merit to win Portia, and in his view merit and honour only belong to a highly selected few people such as himself. Since he considered himself to be worthy of Portia, he chooses the silver casket and that too an order to a servant to perform the task of actually unlocking the casket, to humble a thing for Arragon to do himself. He was shown to be confident when he said, Bring me the fairest creature northward born. All that he boasted was to show that he is quite capable of achieving anything he desires. His over-confidence is apparent when he says, deliver me the key and chooses the silver casket very sure that Portias portrait was within. He thinks that he is more than worthy enough for Portia and this attitude of his, troops his downfall for it is not the silver casket that holds Portias picture. Shakespeare has given a lengthy speech on each suitor on the casket they were going to choose. The Princes speak in blank verse through their presence, which only changes after both of them reading their scroll. Their reaction after opening the casket is similar as the gold casket contains a carrion Death, within whose empty eye there is a written scroll and the silver casket contains the portrait of a blinking idiot, presenting him a schedule. After the suitor reads the scroll or the schedule, his language starts to be similar with the contents read on as it becomes into a poetic form. Arragon is uncharacteristically struck-dumb by what he finds, a blinking idiot. To late he realises that he really doesnt deserve anything better than a fools head. This is symbolic, for he is an old man and hence is an idiot for thinking himself deserving of a young woman. Whereas Moroccos shocking expression, Oh! Hell! is not a mere expression of extreme annoyance but Morocco knew that if he had to keep the oath, he had to remain unmarried for the rest of his whole life, he faces a kind of living hell, deprived of the woman of his choice and also because he is a man not use to failing. Both of the princes were courteous, affable gentlemen who respected Portia. The Prince of Morocco is brought out to be a sole loser, as his pride disappears when he leaves saying, I have too grievd a heart to take a tedious leave, thus losers part. When he finds his hopes are dead, he welcomes frost and tries to keep up a brave and dignified appearance and we can see a contrast in the manner of his departure to the fanfare of his arrival. The departure of Arragon is similar as he said, Still more fool I appear by the time I linger here. He had come to woo with one fools head but had to go away with two. After reading, I felt sympathy for both the suitors who had come to try their fortune and unfortunately lost. Amongst both the characters, I liked Morocco more because in the way of departure it felt to me that he had come with a true heart for Portias love. I have more sympathy with him as he cannot marry any other woman and will have a life of a living hell as in later life he cannot share his happiness and sorrows with anyone. All the hopes he had come with were destroyed as everyone in his homeland was desperately waiting for their queen as Portia.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Migration and Folk Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Migration and Folk Culture - Essay Example An environmental push factor that constitutes a reason to migrate for me would be the creation of a dump site in or around my location of residence. Dump sites are highly toxic and I would have to relocate to an environment that meets my preferences. Contrary to migration push factors are pull factors (Rubenstein 297). Economically, a better job or pay would constitute a significant reason for me to migrate. A social factor in the same regard would be cultural diversity. I would like to move in a culturally rich place where every single culture is appreciated regardless of its origin. An environmental factor in the same line would be a chance to live in a place that highly seeks to address global warming and climate change in general. That is, a place that would go beyond all odds to make a difference in addressing climate changes. A personal habit that I follow that does not necessarily constitute a popular culture is dressing in the view that I dress like an American. Dressing is not necessarily a custom or culture, but it has encompassed my personal habits in more or less the two aspects. The origin of this habit is America. A custom that I follow is associating the old people with wisdom. Old people may not necessarily be wise, although I have become accustomed to that. Various communities in the world can be associated with this custom although it is not popularly practiced. I also follow the culture of rushing against time. Time is a valuable resource especially in the Western countries, a scenario that does not bypass my attention and practice. Europe and America can be regarded as the origin of this rushing and time keeping
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Dollar pegging and curreny basket Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Dollar pegging and curreny basket - Essay Example As the oil producing countries are getting more capital due to rising oil prices, people have more spending power and the relative commodity prices increase in the domestic economy. Table 1 shows the inflation rates in gulf countries over three different periods: 1980-81 (high inflation), 1986-2003 (low but volatile inflation) and 2006-07 ( current inflation situation). As chart 1 and Table 1 show falling dollar contributes to high oil prices that in turn lead to high inflation. On the other hand when the state of dollar is normal the oil prices remain average and hence the result is low inflation (Garriga and Armesto, ââ¬Å"A Falling Dollar Raises Inflation in the Gulfâ⬠). After de-pegging from dollar, new exchange rate was governed by the basket of currencies that helped to stabilize the effect of depreciating dollar on the exchange rate of Kuwaiti Dinar in the world market. Due to this basket of currencies which included a good proportion of Euro allowed checking rising import rates due to depreciation of dollar against Euro. This further helped in controlling inflation which was rising due to increase in imports from European and exports to Asian countries. ââ¬Å"Since 1980 the Bahraini dinar and the Qatar riyal have been pegged to US dollar at the rate of 0.37 per $ and 3.64 per $, respectively. Likewise, since the 1980s the Saudi riyal (1986) and UAE dirham (1981) are fixed at a rate of 3.75 per $ and 3.67 per $, respectivelyâ⬠(Hebous ââ¬Å"On the Monetary Union of the Gulf Statesâ⬠). The exchange rate of a currency is determined by the ââ¬Å"purchasing power parityâ⬠. For eg. If 10 gms of 24 carat gold can be bought with 1 USD and same amount of gold can be purchased with 4 Qatar riyal then 1$ equals to 4 Qatar riyal. This is how the exchange rate of every currency is determined in the world market (Saville ââ¬Å"How are currency exchange rates determinedâ⬠). ââ¬Å"The value of a currency is usually determined by the demand for and supply of that currency.â⬠For
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